Project Goal

To create an unique portfolio link for artist's fans and followers instead of using different links every-time for selling album, tickets and more.

Project Background

Our team loves music and we are always looking for ways to improve experiences for both listeners and artists alike.

For this project, we were approached with a brief of creating a new visual style and logo for a portfolio page of the artist and reduce the problems with disjoined users spread across different social streams and selling platforms such as Instagram and Bandcamp respectively.

Additionally, COVID19 Pandemic had affected everyones life alike during the lockdown and by releasing this page during the hard times, we were able to connect with artist's followers and provide opportunities to create new event bookings from the website.


Commissioned work for the artist


We captured everyday process of artists's music creation in an animation which loads before entering the website followed by all artist's links in a page.


Users enjoy a rich experience on the site and get an overview of all social channels and album releases in a single page.


Data Prototype

Visual Data Explorations


The site heavily depends on multiple content sources dynamically loaded onto the site. We use standard embeds for showing bandcamp albums and Facebook events to show any upcoming events. Instagram apis are also used to fetch the latest posts and they are displayed in a grid. Since the site loads public information, no authorization is required by the client to fetch and retrieve the information to be displayed. The site is completely designed built on a no-code platform - webflow and further hosted on wordpress.

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Test Rides


Experience Centres


The main illustration was hand drawn using a drawing tablet and we used layers of strokes to create an animation to match the style of music artist place and equipments which comprises of a DJ deck, Mixers and Levers at his place of residence in Hyderabad, India. Upon entering the site, we mapped multiple areas of screen to show Instagram, Bandcamp and Facebook channels along with general information about the artist and booking information.

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Personalised Data Signatures

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12 Million

Data points Visualised






12 Million

Data points Visualised


Emails sent



Media Coverage

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Yoga, its Kinetics and form

These forms have an underlying rhythm and dynamics that we particularly wanted to capture. To further elaborate, we were interested in capturing the body forms in between the start and finish postures, and how the body segued with the breath.

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Future Scope

Our motion tracking tool has been able to provide consumers with a mindful and immersive experience like no other. Located at the intersection of new media, creative technology and the gamification of virtual participation; our Nadi Project aims to provide customer experiences that promote wellness, creativity and social belonging. By further developing such generative experiments and artistic visuals to suit the preferences of clients, Timeblur offers digital consulting solutions in order to capture the attention of new age consumers.

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