A digital depiction of Kinetics and Energetics involved in body motion activities

Project Goal

Explore and examine the range of kinetics involved in Yoga, in order to integrate an ancient Indian science with cutting edge technology.

Project Background

Nadi is a Digital display of Kinetics and Energetics of Body Movements involved in Yoga.

The visuals are created by investigating the flow of data, using the human body as a vehicle. With the support of computer vision technologies, a visual trail is formed by tracking the body movements during yogic postures.

Inspired from Indian Yogic Science, we have visually depicted aspects of light, matter and energy in our forms. The generative nature of the visual comes from the digital juxtaposition of the poses that the body generates with each pose.


Self Commissioned Project


By analysing and studying the artform of Yoga, we have developed a custom software solution that interprets body movements through the production of hidden patterns of flow (in various forms) from one posture to the next. This real-time projection was made possible with Computer Vision and Creative Coding.

This provides a new and adventurous innovation with regards to virtual wellness and fitness events. The result of body movements interacting with our software presents unique generative artworks in various forms - Linear trail, Particle trail, Photomask trail and more.


A unique solution for Fitness and Wellness space which aims at making use of Data to capture patterns and provide analytics with shareable visuals.


"Surya Namaskar generates prana, the subtle energy which activates the psychic body. Its performance in a steady rhythmic sequence, reflects the rhythms of the universe; twenty-four hours of the day; the twelve zodiac phases of the year; the bio-rhythms of the body". - Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Data Prototype

Visual Data Explorations

Nadi is an exploration of Body Kinetics in Surya Namaskar and the other asanas of the Yoga Discipline. We designed three different systems to communicate Light, Motion and Density. We used techniques like Image processing, Computer Vision, Depth Imaging and Software Art/ Generative Art


Using Machine learning and Computer Vision techniques, we made a custom software which primarily recognizes the individual doing Yoga, captures skeletal movements and create silhouettes. The software also features a dashboard of Movement Analytics like Posture Time, Count and Posture Detection which can further help the individual with his practice. It also comes with a unique visual data representation, which can be shared online or printed on a merchandise.

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The Generative Visual created by the movements of Yoga, was back projected on a 12 feet screen. As it was a live performance, the subject who performed Yoga could move the particles or make a trail which was projected on the screen as a feedback. Its further illustrated in the diagram below.


Test Rides


Experience Centres


To add to the generative form of the visual, we leveraged from the image processing techniques and have our algorithm pick colors from the RGB image of the visual. This added uniquess to the visual styling of the forms.

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Personalised Data Signatures

Every individual had a unique data visualised of the kinetics of their body, which was further investigated with the photo mask and color mask techniques.

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"The projections behind the person change to match their posture, that means each person gets a unique animation every time they are tracked. The visuals have three distinct types chosen to best match their emotion and intention of the poses. "

Discovery Channel

12 Million

Data points Visualised






  • Codame festival in San Francisco, USA (2015)
  • Yogaramabh festival in Bangalore, India (2015)
  • Innofest festival in Bangalore, India (2016)
  • Magnetic Fields festival in Alsisar Mahal, Rajasthan, India (2016)

Also most recently the work is being used as a Social Campaign for creative co-existence during social distance.

More: nadiflow.timeblur.io

12 Million

Data points Visualised


Emails sent



Media Coverage


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Yoga, its Kinetics and form

These forms have an underlying rhythm and dynamics that we particularly wanted to capture. To further elaborate, we were interested in capturing the body forms in between the start and finish postures, and how the body segued with the breath.

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Yoga, its Kinetics and form

These forms have an underlying rhythm and dynamics that we particularly wanted to capture. To further elaborate, we were interested in capturing the body forms in between the start and finish postures, and how the body segued with the breath.

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Future Scope

Our motion tracking tool has been able to provide consumers with a mindful and immersive experience like no other. Located at the intersection of new media, creative technology and the gamification of virtual participation; our Nadi Project aims to provide customer experiences that promote wellness, creativity and social belonging. By further developing such generative experiments and artistic visuals to suit the preferences of clients, Timeblur offers digital consulting solutions in order to capture the attention of new age consumers.



Digital Immersive Spaces

Nadi is being setup for futuristic immersive museum with multiple projectors and content which changes with body movement of the visitor.

To find out more and get a quote on Digital Immersive Spaces, reach out to us here

To send us enquiries about Digital Immersive Space, reach out to us here


Personalised Yoga Merchandise

Create your own Nadi and have it printed! Would you be interested in buying customised merchandise like mugs, book covers, or yoga mat with your Nadi flow printed on them?

To find out more and get a quote on Personalised Yoga Merchandise, reach out to us here

To send us enquiries about Digital Immersive Space, reach out to us here


Virtual Yoga Assistant

Increase your yoga students motivation and creative spirit by adding Nadi to your already existing wellness solutions. With the help of machine learning, Nadi can detect and correct postures improving effectiveness of exercising.

To find out more and get a quote on Virtual Yoga Assistant, reach out to us here

To send us enquiries about Digital Immersive Space, reach out to us here


Yoga Sculptures

Add the missing design and sculpture ingredient to improve your store / studio / workplace feng shui. If you are interested in Architecture and the body, you'll love our Nadi movement explorations which are transcribed into 3D parametric designs.

To find out more and get a quote on Yoga Sculptures, reach out to us here

To send us enquiries about Digital Immersive Space, reach out to us here