UI/UX Application and Geo-Location Based Systems for an Electric first infrastructure

Project Goal

To design and develop a geo-location based mobile system capable of smartly displaying available electric power stations in the vicinity of a user. Using design thinking and interface innovations to implement a favourable UI/UX strategy. We provided all necessary information for users in order to make battery swapping decisions with ease. Thereby intuitively navigating customers to the right place.

Project Background

Today, every place we go to is geo-encoded, presenting visual insights into this geo-coded data helps in establishing customer patterns and predict user behaviour. Location Information can further help business make more streamlined, informed, and accurate business decisions.

We were approached by Zuink to provide a smart solution for their customers by developing an application interface capable of locating and navigating users to the nearest recharge station. Thereby driving more footfall to the POS with a very high target density of one station every 500 meters.

The power of maps coupled with geographically referenced data has been helping businesses unravel the relationship of locations between people, events, transactions, facilities, and assets.


Commissioned Project by Softcons Pvt. Ltd.


Location smarts integration driven by Google™ Maps API enabled Zuink operations team to dramatically improve customer experience.


A mobile application with location smarts powered by data provided a geographic analysis solving customers pain points allowing them to discover new powerful insights.


A data prototype was programmed to show different map characteristics. Data was initially loaded from a JSON file with key data parameters such as Place name, Location and Availability to indicate these patterns on a map. The prototype helped in determining the right features which had to be developed for a better user experience to Search, Sort and Filter swapping stations and effectively provide directions to the end user.

Data Prototype

Visual Data Explorations

Maps are made of many layers of information like Highway roads, Streets, Buildings, Water bodies, Parks, Point Of Interests(POI) and more. We visually explored different configuration in maps such as 3D maps with bearing and heading, and layers with various Cartography tools such as QGIS, Mapbox, Mapzen and Google maps. We further simplified and choose a map with minimal design highligting charging stations(POI) with all layer of information shown in grayscales.


The explorations resulted in a final tech-stack which is to use ionic framework with Google Maps Javascript API. We implemented several features to the app such as:

  • Loading customized google maps with Search, Filter and Sorting of charging stations.
  • A charging station(Marker) when tapped loads up the card showing Name, Address and Availability.
  • A Floating Action Button(FAB) for directions, when clicked sends a request to Google APIs which shows the route user needs to take along with distance and estimated time.
  • When confirmed navigation opens externally on Google Maps.
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Since the app was built on ionic framework and with Javascript, the geolocation was made to work on both Android and iOS devices. The app was then published to Play Store and App Store for Android and iOS respectively.


Test Rides


Experience Centres


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"It solves my problem when I am with low battery on my phone. The map shows decent density. I am able to easily find power bank at convenient location"

- Amit kumar (Android user)

12 Million

Data points Visualised






12 Million

Data points Visualised


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Media Coverage

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Yoga, its Kinetics and form

These forms have an underlying rhythm and dynamics that we particularly wanted to capture. To further elaborate, we were interested in capturing the body forms in between the start and finish postures, and how the body segued with the breath.

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Future Scope

Our motion tracking tool has been able to provide consumers with a mindful and immersive experience like no other. Located at the intersection of new media, creative technology and the gamification of virtual participation; our Nadi Project aims to provide customer experiences that promote wellness, creativity and social belonging. By further developing such generative experiments and artistic visuals to suit the preferences of clients, Timeblur offers digital consulting solutions in order to capture the attention of new age consumers.

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